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Guided Meditations

There are many different ways to practice mindfulness. Some people find listening to a guided meditation helpful. Using the audio track to help maintain presence and facilitate a journey through self-discovery, presence and your mindfulness practice is one way to strengthen your awareness.



Current on the Blog:

Mindfulness and Hope
00:00 / 07:22

Short Pause Practices

Thailand sunset
A Moment of Grace
00:00 / 03:10
5 Minute Pause
00:00 / 05:33
Pausing in Self-Compassion
00:00 / 07:06
Bell Reminders
00:00 / 28:17

Breath Meditations

Dandelion puff in Lake Arrowhead, California
Calm Breathing
00:00 / 13:19
Mindfulness of Breath
00:00 / 06:00
Affectionate Breathing
00:00 / 13:08

Embodiment Meditations

Yellow flower with up close image of bee
Mindfulness of Emotion
00:00 / 09:55
Compassionate Body Scan
00:00 / 17:51
Soothing Touch Meditation
00:00 / 13:25

Resilience Meditations

Maui, Hawaii sunset at beach, dark clouds, rocky shoreline
Resourcing Meditation
00:00 / 17:03
Equanimity Mountain Meditation
00:00 / 15:31
Equanimity Meditation
00:00 / 10:00
And this too meditation
00:00 / 09:36
Lovingkindness Meditation
00:00 / 11:54
Intention Meditation
00:00 / 10:25

From the Blog

Yellow sunset with trees in Southern California
What is here now if there is no problem?
00:00 / 08:03
A Moment of Grace
00:00 / 03:10
Calm Breathing 1
00:00 / 13:19
ABCS of Mindfulness
00:00 / 05:18
Intention Meditation
00:00 / 10:25
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